Saturday, June 30, 2007
Today was a pretty fun day for me.went training in the morning as usual.did our drills and stuff which really drain some of my energy! knee kinda hurted though.yikes.hope nothing bad happens to it!! : X haha was practically singing throughtout the whole training.Mmmmm nice!hahha.i think i scared Wanie alittle.sry ah eheh.
rushed back home cause i gotta meet my ex-sec sch friends for the school carnival.met them at our very own classroom where we did all our stupid , crazy , nonsense stuff , where we cursed each other like nobody business.where we talked about all the nonsense that no one could ever think of and the pranks and jokes and everything that we did and said!! ahahah!Those days were good man.Five solid years with you guys man through all the craziness where we played soccer almost everyday after school and whooped other classes too!! hahaha.mann.was good to see almost all of you today and you guys havent changed a single bit man!! still as sick as ever!!! AHAHHA! but who cares!?!? Thats 5e1 spirit for you baby!!! lol! :)
went to watch transformers after and HOLY SHIT!!! its a damn good show!!! i swear on my ----- !!! You guys gotta go watch it man.omg i tell you!!! the way they transformed was totally awesome!! it was like WOAH!! damnnnn!!! and yea i like the phrase " bros before holes " hahah.dunno what it means?? go watch it then!!! it was really funny too.hahah.wooot.The lead actress was totally HOT and STEAM man but the transformers were HOTTER!! wooooooooo! i really dun mind watching it again!! anyone up?? huhuh?? hahah. went to some place to slack and we talked crap.hahha super funny!took bus home from there and home!
To my bro yuhan.hey dont think abt it so much yea??? its gonna affect you in the end.and it would not be good for both you and know yea?? so just take it as it is now.I know its hard for you but no matter what , you got not only me here but the rest of the kukus too!!
and to my sis huda.hey i dun know whats happening but yea you got my support all the way too yea?? likewise , i am sure all the kukus will be there too!! take care of yourself alright?? let's lancing lancing on mon ya??? hehe :)
rest of the kukus.stay happy and smile :) you guys are missed.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Arghh.. down with super bad stomachache this morning.feeling a little uneasy.hope can recover as soon as possible so i can eat like a pig again!!! :D didnt go school as a result.Sorry fabian!!didnt mean to miss out on your birthday today :( i treat you fish burger on monday okay??haha.did I miss out the fun today in class huh?? lol.
changed my blogskin.. wooo! pls gimme some comments on it?? good or bad dont care!! the moment my tagboard is down.will try to insert it tmr.and yes.once again thanks to eileen for helping me.a millions thanks okay.
alright gotta go tmr.zzzzz.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sometimes in the night,when the star are shining so bright,i wished i was blind , i wished things were right , the beat in my heart died.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Today walked with yuhan and fabian again to sch.lesson was fun!!weeee.alot of things happened!! so alot of people were sick la.our dear eunice was having a bad flu la.then me and yuhan sat opposite her.WHAT A BAD IDEA IT WAS!!! the whole lesson she was cleaning her nose and sneezing alot.dam disgusting.then the most disgusting thing happened.she sneezed dam hard and OMG THE WHOLE THING CAME OUT LA!!! WET WET SOMEMORE!! EYERRRERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! kamil and yuhan aso saw.then we hide under the gave a good nick to her liao.spiderwoman.shoot web from nose!! LOLOLOL! digusting!! haha. then fabian , yuhan , eileen and lina all shoot each other in msn.hahha.kuku.say what countdown to death anni.hahaha.presentation was really fun.haha.we acted out a skit and it was hilarious la.acted out some terroist thing.hahha.and the whole class people coughing everywhere!!! gotta get sick soon!! with fabian , yuhan and waikiat after gym.all slacking here.playing Cs.hahahah.will study for sci UT soon.arghh.haha.ZZzzzz
a thousands words fill me
emotions are stirred
never wanted this day to arrive
feels like a knife
stabbed right through my heart
slowly bleeding deep inside
this facet put on
tries to hide and cover
the fratility of mankind
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
walked to school today with fatbian and yuhan.den thot we late already then go class no one!! lol.scare us nia.did vb and when we first saw it , me and huda told each other i think we go jump now better.haha.but then lucky got borui teach me seh.or else die die die!! haha.then eileen go physo eunice tell her that actually the guys all wanna marry her!! wah lao eh!! digusting can!!! then she say she last time got alot of guys woo her!! WTH!?!?? LOL!!! pui ah!! hahaha. then after kaya and yuhan and gary all shoot her back!! hahah! funny funny :D so my sister debb was sick today.her cheeks were really hot and red!scary. >< ehhh take care hor! drink more water and rest more!! ok ??? :) then actually i didnt know that eunice sneeze on yuting's hand la.then she ask me to touch her hand first.then later she tell me eunice ah chewww there!! eeeeeeryerrrrr!! :( bad bad auntie!!! :) went training after school and it was pretty fun.haha.except for the damn squats!! haha.was starving so decided to go eat at the kopitam opposite with yvonne , samson , eileen , samuel , bernard and another dude.shiok sia!!! lol. eat like never eat for 3 days or something.but you guys know that its me!! hahaha.den i scared la with samson , samuel and bernard all staring at me eat.hahah.burrrppp.and yay i got C+ for science UT.and i thought i was so gonna fail!!! :) will work harder !! heard yuhan , Waikiat and fabian all sick seh.. take care my bros!! Waikiat think of ur angel!! Yuhan think about your rainbow!! and fabian think about your food!! wahahahaha! alright gotta goooo... ZZzzzzzzzzzz.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Today was alright for to team up with the lovely nadiah , the great eileen and the joker pretty slack la.couldnt understand problem statement.watching just follow law.crapping around.msning.boring.was very hungry too!lol.luckily made it through the presentation.pheeeewww.haha.erm.someone was very happy today.:D before class started , we launched mission 'R' ?? and it was a success!! haha. it was to _____________________________ fill in the blanks yourselves!! ahhaa. could see the pair of angels were really tired today.get more sleep pls!!haha.dun wanna see you two lying on each other all the time la!! :) argh lost to eileen in solitare!!! rematch tmr ah !!! dont care!! ahaha. :D
and my dad just bought a new pc!! it has a big ass screen la.. lol. woot!!!i am not happy that i can use it but happy cause now my bro will not bug me for my lappy!! hahah.wheeeness! woot.but still i gotta try it looks awesome. :)
UT tmr.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sunday, June 24, 2007
nothing to much to say except looking forward to seeing the kukus tmr.ahaha.duno why but feeling so much " lighter " now.gosh.if you are happy mi happy too!! haha. people follow me!! if you are happy and you know it clap your hands!! * clap clap * kuku already.haha.i wanna see everyone " claping " in my tagboard ah!! hehe.yuhan say he dyeing his hair.. tmr must see sia!! hyper now!! @^%#$@^%#.but in a good abt it la.try to!and the minute i wanna post already waikiat nag at me liao.sian!!haha. eileen you better faster update or else Mr.Nagger will nag at you too!!lol. :)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
woke up early for was alright and eileen didnt go for training!! she was sick then later still go work.haiyo. >< take care of yourself la! lol. hmm after training went home and wanted to go swimming de.but i was feeling so tired that i fell asleep.slept at like 2pm then woke up at like close to 5pm !!! gosh!! time passed so quickly la.felt like i slept for only 1hour.haha. ate dinner then rotted all the way.boring day.yawns.
hmm.. suddenly people around become so emo/sad/distracted or know who you are.i kept my promise and i shall not say a single thing but rather let things happen on its on.but what i can say is that if anything happens,any one of my dear friends , if you guys need someone to talk to , i am here man!! my ears would always be open!! alright?? cheer up! i believe better days are on their way!!
arghhh! i hate it when i do something wrong or at least i think that i did something wrong and i dun even know!!! i hate it because it makes me feel very very guilty. i hate it! i hate it! so pls , if i have done anything to any of you , pls pls tell me.i would hate myself for life if i didnt if i had done anything to you , i am truely sorry.really sry.
alright gotta go now.
* praying for joy to each and everyone *
* hoping for them to have their fun *
* wanting hurt to go away *
* and never come back again *
* close the door on sadness *
* only a lifetime of memories in happiness *
* friendships treasured *
* nothing can be measured *
* only through the power of love *
* to make all things in life worth *
Friday, June 22, 2007
i am so proud of myself today after what happened.are you proud of me my sister debb?? :) wasnt really in the best of mood in the morning.i guess everything went quite smoothly.thank god!! :D kaya and me were so hot for one another i tell you!!hahah. As the day went on , it became crazier and crazier!! Firstly , kuku kamil and lina went to smoke at staircase la.then yuhan wanted to call them.then when once he open the door , both of them zao dam fast.dam funny!! haha. they run like dog sia. then lina say when she think about the 50 dollars fine , she run even the end they found out that is was actually for the exciting part!!! eunice and kamil did their stupid excercise thing again!! like wth!!?? hahah. first she did some warming up with kamil.stretch here and there.already dam funny la.hahah.then she and kamil went outside to race!! wah lao eh!! ahahha!! laugh until stomach pain for the killer!! i dun even know what she was doing or rather what kamil was asking her to do la!! did some starjumps!! but then two of them started doing push ups!!! gosh!! even gary joined in!! laugh until almost cry sia.wahahahha!What a day!! haha.took bus back and it was home sweet home baby!
its the weekends and i think i will be so boredd again.hhaha.hopefully tmr got sun.then can go for a nice tan!! cmon now!! lol.will miss w45f yet again.haha.2 days of singing alone.sian thats it folks!tata!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Today was a hell of a day!! I cant really remember what happened in class but all i know was that our dear eunice tried to molest me!!! ARGH! @#$%@%$#$ !! In the end, she touched my butt with her fingers la!! AHHHHHHHHH.i almost fainted can.i tried to siam la but guess wasnt fast enough.oh well.just now bathe scrub my ass 10times with soap then later spray la.ahahha.but digusting la!argh!maybe i should go brush my ass too!hahahha!: P
so after that it was soccer baby!! mannn got so much to say.. so we played four matches just now.and result 3wins 1lost.ok so i shall start with the first match.ehh all i can say is that we lost that match within like 5mins wat we doing sia.haiizz.
nvm!shall proceed with the wins!2nd match we played against a tough team i suppose.but through the brillance of jonnie with that two awesome goals , we won.hahah.power sia jonnie!! final score 2:0 . :)
third and fourth match was somehow combined because we played twice against was rather a physical match la.some more got this green dog kept barking.dam noisy and irritating.i guess all of us just wanted to give him a tight slap.i think debb and eileen too la.but nvm because we won them fair and square!!3 great goals by our ronaldo waikiat as usual and a soild goal from kamil and two goals from yuhan settled the deal! so sad la.everyone score except one i dribble past two i think then reached halfcourt.then took a shot from there and it hit the damn post!! wah lao heart pain sia!! nice la!!
so after playing we walked to causeway.while walking there dam alot of rubbish with them and yuhan nearly vomitted.hahah.kuku sia.trained back with yuhan den home sweet home!tiredd!shagged!
alright last part now.eileen is the great.eileen is the prettiest.hehe.always smile okay??!?!bleah :P anything happen must tell me hor!! i suddenly remember i gotta write for debb too.or else she will say i biased again.haha.deb is nice.deb is spice.hahah.
alright.gotta tiredddddddddddddddddddddddd.zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Today was a sleepy day for me.basically lazed through the whole day.haha.ate like pig somemore.gosh.first break.ate chicken rice add rice and stuff.then barely 1 hour later.ate chicken chop with rice.woot!then 5 hours later.ate chicken chop with spagetti add mash potato.gosh i am becoming fabian man.but nice la.hahaha.ehh now abit hungry.just ate some usual.had our singing moments in class.absolutely love them.had the kuku moments that make me laugh until stomach pain them too.went gym with yuhan and waikat after school while kaya went to his dragonboat.i would like to thank our two wonderful ladies lovely debb and sexy huda who waited for us to finish.LOL.gym was alright except i was alittle rusty.hahaha.nvm shall work on it!i shall conquer the 20kg weight by next week!! muahahah!then see yuhan do the cable thing dam funny kuku like that.HAHA!you dont believe ask waikiat was walking back to the bench in the gym when suddenly i heard my name being called.i was like' what the' , who the'.looked around like an idiot la.then i saw evvone among the dragonboat la she.haha.after gym went to find debb and huda.then me yuhan and waikiat all posed for a picture.hahah nice!walked to causeway to take train and it was home sweet home!tmr playing soccer!!powerrr!cant wait!:))
eh zoe.. although i dont really know what happened , i just wanna say stay happy and smile always okay??hahah.if anytime u feel down, just gimme a call or something yea?i'll try my best to cheer you up! :D alright then.see you around in school!you are missed pretty mama!!hahha. :)
eh eileen.i damn scared you la.u really suffer from these minor injuries quite easily.hahha.somemore this is just the start of training!!they gonna increase the squats to 30 leh!! lol. haizz.TAKE CARE OKAY! dun really wanna see you like this all the time la! :D and debb!! i want a nicer comment from you can!! wah lao u my sister leh.even my sister say so mean about me already, then what will other people say sia!! AHHH! owe me ah!!
aww enterprise UT got a ^%#^$ing D.dam sad.haizzz.shall work harder the coming one!!at least had an A for this week's computing module.alright.sleepppppppppppp!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Today was an okay day with the usual laughter at least.enough to make my we did Vb and for the first time ever , i found it rather interesting!! LOL. today huda never come!!! kuku her!! den got no one to sing with me today.. hahah . solo effort! you better come tmr i tell you!! :) hahah. today was also a 'hiding' day la.all the kukus all hide each other stuff.well at least mine was hidden.argh!! lol.stupid lina got put eileen's slipper in my bag!! KNS!! dirty can! then nehneh kaya go hide my bag.i'll suffocate him tmr!! hehe. overall it was a fun day in school ba.ahah.after sch went to wait for eileen again cause she had some jive i sat my butt down at the chairs at the side of the hall there and waited.while waiting i saw kuku denise.she called me jonjon then waved i saw i saw my sister debb.she went off with a fren i tink.then i saw samson.kuku him never wait for i thought i saw gerry.hmmm.looked like her from the back wore green top today right??hurhur??then i saw samantha.she say she go i saw we waited for evonne to come then shared cab to Occ for training.ordered a hugh ass plate of nasi lemak.i told the uncle to add rice and boy he really added rice a huge portion.haha.shared with eileen in the end still hungry was okay la.did some squats and drills.funny pangsai like that.hahaha.bowled a game and bowled a 218.sian could be higher one..hahah.but good enough la.was pretty shagged after training la.home sweet home baby!tmr would be going gym with yuhan and waikait.hehe.nice nice.but they running only nvm.cya tmr guys!

Monday, June 18, 2007
Ok so today was the first day of school since break and i can say it is still as kuku as ever!! was basically a dancing , singing and laughing , huda and kaya all went crazy and started strutting their stuff.. nice!! hahah. then all of us were singing like kukus. hahha. nice too!!! our class can be choir sia.. haha. then i pei with huda sing.. lol dam funny la.anyhow edit ourselves for the songs we sang.. hahah. but nice too! : DD as usual we had a good laugh during class.. man i love my classss!!! hahaha. XD after school went to buy bubbletea at causeway and on the way there something disgusting happened.boy oh boy.fabian and gary.i just knew it la.both of u just didnt dare to express your love for one another only.but today the passion in both of you just exploded from within and this happened!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! then went to get our bubbletea and walked around.couldnt find the kuku lacoste there!! humphhh. trained home with fabian , debb , gary and yuhan.home sweet home!! wah sehh got craving for food now!! SUBWAY !!!!!! CARLS JR !!!!!! Yoshinoya!!!!!!!!!!!! BUBBLE TEAAAAA!!! arghhh. i am becoming like fabian!! ahhhhhh!! lololol. sian tmr UT.good luck to all!! :)
here are some random pics and a scandalous one!! wooo.

me when i was a baby!!hehe.

me and debb on batman's car!!

hohohohohoho!WHAT IS THIS I WONDER!?!??

i miss my piglet!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
First of all i would like to wish every father(including mine!! duh.) on this planet and universe, don't care animals , papa insects or whatever or even papa aliens( if they even a VERY BELOVED HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! without yous , there would not be us!! so SPANK EUU VERII THE MUCH!! :DD :) hehehe.
As usual i would go to church in the early hours and then head down to training.before that went to play pool with my bro.Arghhh! drew with that kuku!! at first losing by 2 games 2:0 then in the end won back the last two. 2:2 lol.rematch sia! heard frm my mum he has been secretly training la!! wth!??! then i had a good two hour training and i played around with my release.have to 'turn' more to get my ball down the lane transiting longer before actually breaking into the its breaking too early.LOL.ok whatever.i doubt any of you could understand that.maybe only bowlers.hahha.
but what i bet you guys know is that ^%@#$^@ING SCHOOL IS ^%@#$ING TMRR!! wooooooo! LOL. shit i am becoming yuhan la!! lol. i cannot wait for tmr.less than 10hours later i would be seeing the bunch of kukus again.hahaha.alright then.see you kuku nehs nehs tmr man!! :DDD and eileen , you better not laugh at me tmr!! hehe :) we shall see whos cuter tmr!! muahahah!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tonight's post would be really short and sweet.went training in the morning and there eileen was naging naging and naging.kept complaining about some ah ma can.hahahha.OPPS!then dam funny.she and joel,a year3 guy challenged one another and in the end eileen won.hahaha.pure tyconess.LOL.dam kuku after training i went home and my cuzzies came over to my house.awww! my baby cousin is still so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee!hahah.i wanna pinch his cheeks...!awwww i loveeeeeeeee babies adorable!! hahah.after that rotted all the way until i decided to post this boring
i cant wait to go back to school can.1 more damn day!! woottss. and its back to wheeness and kukuness again!! lol. missing the laughter man!! agree people!?!? lol.cant wait cant wait to see my brothers and sisters again!!ahhaha.but sian la.UT UT UT UT!shall study for it tmr!!
hmm seems like these days i have been really engrossed in chinese songs man.hahah.even my cuz who knows i hated them at first say i kuku already.touched my forehead and said ' jon ! are you okay??" LOL can.yea but they are nice fav yet is - ai wo hai shi ta . and yes i guess some of you know its still a nice song la.meaningful lyrics : ))) hohohoho!
* those days are long gone * ~~~~
* only left with pieces of it to feed on * ~~~
Friday, June 15, 2007
today was a really kuku day for the day started by the six of us , me , yuhan , waikiat , debb , kaya and fabian all went to watch fantastic four.hmm not bad la the movie.. JESSICA ALBA!! WOOOT!hahaha.yea like what deb said , i aso liked the part when JA said ' you have a choice , everyone has a choice '. nice nice! so after the movie we went to play usual also, won every of my game played.haizzz.too easy baby.LOL.joking joking.heh.and congrats to waikiat ba.HE WON YUHAN!! LOL. we were getting really hungry so we decided to walk kaya to his workplace at bugis and we had yoshi..errr.. duno wat duno wat.ayia nice can already la!! lol.a nice big bowl of beef rice!! MMMM.. fabian ate only vegetables today!! AMAZING!!lol. and yes ! i did the dumbest thing i have done yet!!! walked into the fountain that was in the middle of bugis like an idiot!! LOL. an experience ill never forget!! brrr the water was super cold la.think i caught i cold liao.SIAN! hahha. we went on to walk around bugis street for a while and found nothing pleasing to our eyes. acc debb all the way to simei then trained back to dam funny should have saw how waikiat was sleeping!!his head almost touch his lap can.LOL.should have taken a picture la.yuhan not so bad la.until his chest sweet home!
and debb.i am okay la.really.maybe its a mixture of this and that but yes i am alright.maybe because i just did too many kuku things for your concern ba.i'll be alright people!: ))
needa sleeep training tmr at 930.ZZZZZZZZZZZ..
* --- no more raining cats and dogs
something slightly heavier than a drizzle----*
hopefully it would be over soon----*
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ok so i just came back from bowling and guess what??? bowled like cow again.. haizz. i hate this feeling when i lose out to people.maybe because i hate losing.bleah.and as usual my father always scold and nag at me. " why cant you pick your spares??" why you this why you that.haizz! irritating. hello even though i am considered a seasoned bowler but i am still human can???and do you think i wanna miss those spares??what do you think i can get out from that? nothing right!!!??you think i like to miss too huh?? argh!!! but sometimes i really wonder if i am living up to their expectations cause they have been there supporting me for so long now.maybe i am at fault too.i need to prove to them that i am worth their time and money.i need to show them that i am capable enough.but looks like things have not been going well for me. : ( dear mum and dad give me time to show you that i am good enough okay??i promise!! anyways special thx to eileen for cheering me up ba. thx : )
and heres the post that i promised my dear sister deborah.i dun tink it would be as long and as mushy as waikiat's one but here it goes.
My dearest sister deborah.hmm.. bester of the bestest sister in the world wide world.short but adorable.loves to give people hugs.but really comforting ones.thx for the hugs you have given me.: )) very encouraging.a nice angel sent from god.agree waikiat??!lol.loves to indulge in girly talks with fellow sister eileen.loves ronaldo.loves strawberry.loves pink.loves her angel.: )) diao. duno what to write ler.. should i follow yuhan?? lol.oh yes yes. thank you for being there for me ba.thx for cheering me up when i felt like shit.i tink only you and a few others really understand how i ya thank you very much!dont worry about me ba. MY RAIN WILL BE STOPPING SOON.hopefully. there long enough?? hahah. right take care!
woooot.tmr watching movie with some of w45f sad eileen, huda ,lina ,nad, yuting and some others cant make it.boohoo!anyways really looking forward to tmr!! until tmr see you people again!! hohoho.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
another 'lovely' day today.pratically used my lappy for the whole day.because there was nothing to do!! luckily got people to talk to on msn.or else die! stayed at home the whole day . how nice. now chatting on msn still.LOL.cant wait for friday sia!! woot!! fantastic four!! here i come!! jessica alba here i comeeee!! ahahhaa!!! hmm tmr got league and all the year ones gonna bowl!! POWER! lol. no mercy tmr! MUAHAHHAHA. hmm. ' those were the days'. really brings back so much blissful and happy memories.haizzz.but now they are fading away.hohoho.
those days were the best
really nothing like the rest,
they were special and dear,
i always felt so near,
to you and you only,
sadly you could not see,
but these days are long gone,
only left with pieces of it to feed on,
how i wished i could turn back time,
gadly i'll make you mine,
letting you know,
i'll never let you go,
but i still will cherish them,
because they made me who i am.
truely you made me feel complete,
but i guess there will not be a repeat.
but still thank you. : ))
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
it was another ultra boring day today.. no one was online kuku!! went to amk hub with my parents and bro.went to shop around a little.bought a pair of new shoes!! hahha. went to eat at kopitam for dinner and then it was home sweet home!boring right!!??? lol. just spammed frenster comments with eileen.dam funny.. haizz. * how i wished *.lol.oh well.nvm.boredd boredd.
gosh i wised that school starts like tmr cann??!! so boring stay at home.. rather hang out with w45f la!! humph!! and congrats to WK and my dearest sister debb!! hohoho! dare to bluff me still ahh!! so sad cann?? sob sob. ahhaha.
*lights out* !!
Monday, June 11, 2007
okay so today was a rather more exciting day than usual.. woke up dam early to play soccer with w45f gang.went to meet them at bukit together with kamil , waikiat , jonnie and yuhan we headed to the today our dear gary decided to pangseh us and left us with only 4 of us.jonnie went to play for his was a tough match butttttttttt we still won!!!!!!i cares!hahah. woott! 4 v 5 leh!! ahahha. i scored sia!! what a beautiful header cann.. lol. kamil power sia!! hahha. too bad waikiat and yuhan didnt score!! oh well next time!! ahhaha. after that we went to PS to eat CARLS BLOODY JR..WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.ownage man.ahahha.met my lovely sister debb miss me anot??lol.well had a pretty much funny afternoon with them.yuhan was like crapping all the way.kuku sia.hahah!after which we went to accompany her to bedok then yuhan waikiat and i went to penisula to see see.dam boring sia got nothing one.haizz.haha.walk until leg pain sia. >< pain pain pain! trained home with yuhan and waikiat. home sweet home soon after! so me yuhan and waikiat just had a brotherly talk and we are all so confused about the situations we are in now.. like all of a sudden ' a twist of fate' i shld say.hmm.strange strange.hope things work ut fine for us.GOODLUCK TO USSS!! XDD. so my sister eileen just came backk!!?? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH CANN.hahaha.and if you start to tink i am bias again my dear sister debb.. I MISS YOU TOO CANN.LOL.hahhaa.haizz doesnt pay to have two sisters!! LOL.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
today was another boring day..ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz.. went to church as usual and then came home to rest for a while before heading to my league.chatted on some more.bowled like a cow some more!!after that went to kenny rogers for dinner.NICE!haha.haizz.looks like things are not going in my favour these days!! how nice : ( i want better days!!
however!! my dearest sister SR deborah tan is back from her trip!! Wooooooooooooo! i missed you la!! hahha. ( i need to make up because i forgot to ask her to take care!!!) Did you had fun huh??huhuh??hahhaa.i miss my sister SR deborah tan.i miss my sister SR deborah tan.i miss my sister SR deborah tan.*panting*i miss my sister SR deborah tan!!happy now??see i not biased or anything cann??hahaha.come to think of it, i think i did write it in my blog!! yea i did!! wahh wasted my efforts!! lol.nvm anything for my dearest sister.: ) n i know shes sleeping like a pig now.hahah.Waikiat happy already anot??lol!! hmm my sister eileen is still away on holiday and i tink she will be back tmr.. so i guess i have to write it again.sigh!lol.i miss my sister eileen too!!!hahaha.damn! i am such a nice guy!! : ) ahahha.oh right another dearest 'mom' is sick and suffering from muscle poor mom!! hope she recovers quickly so she can pinch us again! u need anyone to massage for you anot??hurhur?i am sure ur son here would gadly do it!and not to forget your other sons too!!hahah.take caree!!
weell i have been in really deep thoughts these days and i have gotten so much inspiration sia >< so i came up with something yet again.
what do i have to do,
in order for me to get you,
how i longed to find the one for me,
but i just cant see,
how i longed to hold you in my arms,
and protect you from any harm,
to catch you when you fall,
indeed you are my all,
how i wished to shut all these noise,
just to hear your tender voice,
i promise to walk you through your sadness and fears,
to wipe away all your tears,
to accompany you when you are lonely,
to guide you along slowly,
to be there for you when you call me,
anytime , anywhere if you need me.
if any cracks are found,
i will be your solid ground,
to shower you with love and care,
to save you from any despair.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Today was a sleeping day.just lazied the day away.and it was ultra boring.ZZzzz.woke up in the late morning and decided to go for a swim.went to bishan swimming complex and stayed there for a while.sian didnt have much sun so no tan!!!haha.went home and and got nothing to do.talked to Waikiat and yuhan on msn.hahah.talked abt something and it turned out to be dam hilarious.evil meanies i tell you!! hohoho .guys u shld what i am toking abt eh?? ahahha.soon after i went to sleep until dinner time.and then after dinner sleep again!!woott.pig sia!and now i am here blogging after a relaxing bath!! hmm.. well i have got a few things to say.
Firstly,i am soooooo boredd at home without the company of my kukus.hahha.missing everyone man : ) life is soooo boring i tell you but heng heng got Msn.haha.speaking of missing people , i miss my two dearest sisters debb and eileen!! hehe. there i wrote it!! see i am such a nice guy. : ) hope you two are doing fine over there and enjoying urselfs! take care ya??!
To my bro yuhan.haizzz.i truely understand what you are going thru but all i can say is all the best ba.Its not over until its over.wth did i just say??!hahha.and to relax la kuku.its not the end of the world cann?? you will have many other chances to talk to ur angel when she comes back la! people like me dont even have anyone to so tian tian mi mi! : ( so just chill man.
My sister huda.erm.. pls take care of urself k?? as you always tell me when i am down , there is a bunch of kukus here standing by you and raising you up too! thats our motto!! dont blame urself k?? smile smile : ) to my dearest 'mom' too.hahah.thx for listening to me that night man.thx! and take care ba.i heard you are injured. :)
Hmm.i gotta admit is soo dam hard to let go.after all that has been done.but in the end i found a great i am thankful for her to have placed such a impact in my life.i will try my best to play my part as a buddy to her.and no matter what happens i will be there for you too eh??: )) cheers! and also thankful for all the good , kuku , mean , evil friends i have made!! ahhaha.: P love u guys loads!! hmm.. seems like these days we are having the stars and the moon , angels and the rainbow!! and i shall have mine too!! introducing my ....... ROSE! yes my rose!
where do i have to go,
i dont know,
to find the one for me,
i just cant see,
but i know somewhere out there,
that heaven is fair,
it would lead me to you,
just like that,
should i find you sooner or later,
its up to the angels,
but i know there's such a thing,
as a rose,
so beautiful and perfect,
with absolutely no defect,
just as the red rose,
i would cherish you the most.
Friday, June 8, 2007
tday was quite boring.went to dental in the morning and then met up with james and jeremy to eat at burgerking.after that went a little shopping and that piece of shit(jem) went to buy a 300 over dollars shoe and just ordered a thousand dollar pair of jeans and is going to buy another thousand dollar suit!!! i ammm sooooo gonna slapp his face man!! lucky toot.was surprised to see cassandra working at that shop still.hahha.after that we headed to that piece of shit's house and went to gym.shiok sia.i kinda released all my stress and sadness all into the excercises i did.worked alittle.but still i know i need more time to get over this.after that we went to pepperlunch for dinner and woooott it was super yummy cann.wahh hungry now sia!!hahah.home sweet home soon after!
tmr my dearest sister eileen would be going to better listen to korkor here.number one: dont walk alone at night! number two : dont talk to kuku strangers! number three : dont try anything funny! number four: must miss me!! : ) number five: have fun!! and take care : ) remember what i said hor!! hahaha.
to my dearest brother yuhan.things are gonna work out fine for you.just believe in urself and you will find ur rainbow! at least u know who already , unlike me : ( so do your best okay!!?? jia you!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
ok i am back frm chalet and i would roughly post what had happened.
lst day:before heading , me yuhan and waikiat went to meet borui , wangjian , jonny , kamil ,eileen and yuting at jurong east.on the way there, we just crapped all the way and we gt really boredd and even played a stupid game.haha.after a super long journey we finally reached and met up with the rest of the gang at par saris.together we headed to the chalet.hmm the bloody room was so small that we all had to squeeze like some kukus.started the day off by playing some soccer on Ps2.haha.dam funny to see yuting and yuhan play.she play like driving car like cute la.hahaha.after which we decided to go rent bikes for the night.and then the bbq started.thx to the guys of w45f we managed to have a satisfying dinner!lina's fren joined us and then we headed for our night was such a tiring one and our butts and arms were aching like hell.but it was super fun.and on that night i realised two things- gary is actually such a noble guy really rock i tell you.the other is somewhat unpleasant to me and it really spolit my day.i really felt like cycling to the road and let the cars run me over.but thx to WK he calm me down.thx dude.when we got back , i felt soooo fuked up that i needed to vent my frustrations out.again thx to Wk and yuhan for listening to me.while every1 was in the room, i went downstairs to be alone.found a spot on top of some machine and laid there deep in thoughts.First time in a long time i felt the sky was so beautiful and nothing else would matter to me.the day ended somehow like this.
2nd day:all of us were soo shagged that we slept until like 2 or 3.when we all finally woke up , we played with cards.truth or was really funny to see almost everything got to do with eunice.after we played we went down for another round of bbq.i really didnt eat much and was starving.ate cup noodles with Wk , yuhan and fabian in the end.then we went up to the rooms and boy oh boy a moment of madness occured.gary and fabian were fighting so funnily that you could laugh until u cry i tell you.haha.then the guys all did some taupok.crazy stuff!after we became men again , we decided to play was some time since i played and was alittle rusty.haha but still managed to win most of the games la.: ) it was sleep time after that.but even before we could do so , our dear eunice locked us out of the room.we couldnt get her to open the door because she was sleeping like a pig the end, some woman came and open the door for us.
3rd day: it was really short.i woke up like at abt 7 8 and bathe first.den slowlyy watched them one by one wake up.after which we packed up and it was time to check out.headed to macs for breakfast and then played pool yet again.haha.i had a score to settle with kamil cause the night before he beat me to a game.and in the end i won one and he won considered i still lose!!! but then later i tagged with eileen vs him and jonny.and guess who won?!? us!! muahahhaa. so that means i beat kamil!! haha. after playing we said our goodbyes and then train home with deb Wk yuhan fabian and eunice.the rest went escape.home sweet home!
Something that i wish not to happen at the present moment has happened and i am totally devastated by it.Nothing in this world can describe how i feel now.can someone kill me??i wish to die , at least for the moment until the pain is gone.i wanna sleep and forget this , sleep for months and months but i made your point very clear to me last night and part of me was very sad but part of me was relieved too.Sad because i was gonna lose you as the special someone to me.relieved because this nightmare is about to end.This is life and i have got to face it.but its sooo tough now after i had spent much time and effort to do what i did for that person.i know i didnt do enough but at least i tried to make you happy.i hoped i i hoped that i could be that special someone for care for catch you when you love you with all my were the only girl i ever felt so attached to.but i guess fate did not allow this.and i say its fate because this is nobody's fault but only mine.blame myself for being so stupid.for being the asshole who caused so much trouble for her.and i am sorry for it.on the brighter side , now i feel the stone in my heart smaller and lighter than it used to be. all i need now is time to heal this pain.its hard but i will try to forget my love for you.and treat you more like a sister now.i think this is the best way because then i can take good care of you but in a brotherly way.i hope you will still treat me the way you used to because i and sister treaty? : )
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Weeeee!!!!!!!! tmr will be our class chalet!!! Finally!! this would mean that i would not be blogging for the next three days.hmm , anyway today i went for the trials today and i will be anticipating a call tmr.hope so sia.haizzz.eileen - relax okay?? although i dont really know what happened , just relax and smile okay??! pls? : ) dont worry i will be bringing your best friend tmr!! hehe. He will definately cheer you up one!ahaha. Now i am at Waikiat's house with yuhan and we are thats about it!! TO THE CHALET!Woooooooooooooooooo.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
TODAY TODAY TODAY! WHAT A DAY! hahahah. hmm met yuhan at katib then went to waikiat hse in the morning.. played few games of soccer on ps2 then headed to our soccer tournement.. my my i wished someone was there just now.oh well.anyway three of us reached there early and we played around with the ball.AND THX YUHAN FOR THE PANTS!!lol i actually forgot to bring!!hahah!how da heck right!!?? So we caught up with some of my ex secondary school classmates Hq , nick , aaron and chris.boy they still are the same.. hahah.still as kuku as gotta to say that it was not easy to play against those people because if i was not wrong , some of them were frm school team.. we fought hard and never gave up!!AND WE GOT SECOND!!Woootttt.hahaha.for that we got a fish&co voucher and a medal each..sweeeeet.hahaha. WAIKIAT u saved our ass again!! lol.nice milestone yet again frm our very own ronaldo.hahaha.and YUHAN nice try la.. so kuku hit the post!! ahhaha.hmm thx to every1 la!! we headed down to fish&co at wheelock and what a satisfying dinner we had mann.shoik!!! and not to forget that on JUNE 2 me yuhan and waikiat sign the BROTHER TREATY!! lol.hahha.we even wrote on a view of it , kindly look at yuhan blog.. i tink he blogged it in.yepp.and lastly i bought something for HER.: ))) hope she likes it!!hahha.will be giving it to her soon : ))) and siann.. today play until my leg cramp like hell.. now still so pain cann.. owww.well thats about it today!! needa sleep soon! light out for me!