Thursday, July 31, 2008
Hmm my new neighbours are still drilling some shit at this hour and banging away.Wonder if they know that we can call the police.hahha.wonder if their daughter is pretty.LOL.ok bye.Just got back from league , quite disappointed with my first game which i deservingly lost to jialing.grats yo.i suck balls.bleah.oh yeah thanks MARINA for the fruit loopssss ahhhhhhh!
Tommorow's IPA we planning to wear formal.I think wear half formal la.Full like abit ahpek leh.ehhh headache headache! Anyways its only a grade.haha.Time has passed really fast huh.Its already the 15th week for some modules and in a blink of an eye , the new semester will begin.Another new semester and another new class.I will so miss the guys and perhaps some of the girls yeah.Lets screw around for the last 2 weeks man!! lml lml!
Amazingly i started on my PP already.A cool 800 words yo.hahha.still got a long way to though.dratss need to complete it asap.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two dogs are reading my blog now. :D
Monday, July 28, 2008
OMG MARINA IS GONNA READ MY BLOG LIKE SOON? BETTER WRITE SOMETHING NICE.Marina rocks my world.Marina rocks sbf's office.Marina rocks :D
Sunday, July 27, 2008
SuperShaggeddd.rahhh.ok goodnight.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Ahhhhhh been wanting to buy so many thingsssssss but no money!! howhow! There's this Fred Perry shirt that i want , this Fred perry leather shoes too , maybe a pair of Topman jeans yeah and perhaps a bag from Yak Pak which is like uber cute.and i think all these items easily costs about like 300?!?!? wth bo liu lah! :( anyone kind enough to sponser me?? i will love you many many.Sometimes i wished i was just some rich asshole.Who cares about winning or having any talent.Got alot of money can already hor. 0.0 oh well.I guess im just not using my gift properly.or perharps i really do not have one at all? gahhhh!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Like omg i finally cut my hairrrr.hahha.Wonder if there is any difference anyways.Umm i guess theres nothing else to blog about.Random pics then!

Alright so me and ernest are having a really wonderful conversation right now which i dont really wish to BYE. :D
Monday, July 21, 2008
Wooooo sibei gua ah! what a day! hahah. Today we celebrated melvin's birthday.Totally raped the shit out of him sia! First we waited for him to arrive at the empty class just above his class.Hell just ran loose from there.haha.then we taupoked him like twice .First one was quite bad cause it was damn messy but the second was better cause i was right on
Thenthen we decided to strip his top where me and anthony actually drew on his nipples.Freaking funny!!One side red one side blue! woooo.As he opened up his first present which took like 10mins( all thanks to sopphia -_-) , we actually drew more.haha.and yes he got himself a pack of strawberry condoms! hahah! swee luh.Soon after 2 stupid security guards came and tried to kan us we decided to transfer to Kofu to cut cake.Round three of madness started where mel's face got smashed badly by the cake!! thanks to daryl!! ahhah! ehh the cake was nice lor! lol.and then it was second present time.andand he got himself two see through sibei tight leopard and strip underwear. -__- wonder whos idea was that huh!hhahah.damn funny as well! lol.I think we got him a bag as well la.wahh shiok sia.hah but not the punishments lah! anyways , heres another HAPPYBIRTHDAY to him ah!
wahh chui ahh.My BD is like the next one lah.Omg.Ehhh danica , im quitting the team ah ! before sept! LOL.diediediedie.hahah.
It's times like these that make me happy and not think so muchh.
Friday, July 18, 2008
OMGGG.I am super busy lahhh no time to do anythinggggg.This sucks man.Lets see my schedule for a typical week.
Monday - School 8am -430pm , Physical training 5pm -7pm
Tuesday - School 8am - 430pm , Training 7pm - 9pm
Wednesday - No school/ FREE TIME , Training 7pm- 9pm
Thursday - School 8am -430pm , Training/League 7pm - 9pm
Friday - School 8am - 430pm , Rp training 6pm - 8pm
Saturday - Training 10 am - 1 pm , Soon to have Rp training from 130 -/ Possible FREE TIME ??
Sunday - Church 7am -1130 am , FREE TIME WOW.
Wtf i have no life.Sigh.How on earth am i gonna finish my FYP next year. : (
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Anyways i just got back my lappy from the hospital.haha.
Sorryy to those who actually read my blog because i was really just to lazy to update lah.Welllll , school has been pretty alright so far although my grades have been quite shitty.haha.My bowling , uhhhh i think its alright lah.I just need to work on my footwork and release more.and timing.ughhh.
Life has been quite smooth so far.Emo here and there , laugh here and there.All part of life huh.Life sucks though but its worth the challenge i guess.Errrr what else to say.ummm.I love my friends??!? hahah yay! oh right happy birthday to Nirza!!! happy 18th man.cheers! Did i say i loved my friends? :D