Saturday, August 30, 2008
Just got back from a long day man.freaking sleepy and its like 249am now.Waiting for my hair to dry and im offff to bed already.Today was rather ok, had training like in the afternoon bowled pretty okayy.I know i probably could have done better but still it was alright.
Went with my family to visit my granny after that,she looks lonely. =x dammit i wished she could get well again.Dont old age just suck.I wonder what will happen to me when my hair turns white.bummer.went to get my bro's phone at amk hub,that lucky bitch got a nice phone lah.haha.i bought a pair of shoes anyway,hehe.and ermm that was my birthday present??! bleah.
Bused to mike's house to chill for a while before that fat ass ernest came to pick us up.Played pool for a while which i only lost once to mike at the black ball and i owned that niggar's ass man.hahah.Lepak at Mac's till abt 2 and then ernest actually send me home.haha.thanks ah.there will be more to come no worries. :D
and its 3.02am now and my hair hasnt dried abit, heh biatch.stupid hair.September here i come,i heart youuu.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hohoho.Havent been posting nuts here.So sorry about that huh.Well , i dont have much too anyways.ok bye.
Nahss just kidding.haha.Im actually quite emo right now and i feel like writing stuff that will make me sound like some despo freak so i shall keep it to myself.Not only that but school actually makes you emo too man.The friends we make.Heres a perfect example man.Sorry shawn what precious words you
[[shawn ~~ [[We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things]] says:
[[shawn ~~ [[We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things]] says:
[[shawn ~~ [[We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things]] says:
im gonna miss the team so much.
[[shawn ~~ [[We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things]] says:
year 3 sibei emo
Friends friends friends.I miss you all.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
And so the holidays have begun , idk wth am i gonna do for three whole weeks but one thing's for sure , THANKKK GOD AHHH.haha.Mmm im so gonna miss some of my peeps from E54j.mainly the guys i guess.dont ask me why but im not gay
and granny just went to hosiptal again.and i didnt know until my dad called me.I thought she was already sleeping cause it was like quite late already.what an asshole man me.sighh.hope she comes back soon!
okok ciaos.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Not being emo or shit , just quite random actually , ok well alittle emo , just a little weeny tiny bit.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Yesterday i swear i had the craziest lesson ever.haha.No ppt , no problem statement.and we needed to learn how to juggle 3balls at a time.Cool righttt? haha.So it was pretty slack throughtout.I am gonna miss IPA. :( Just 2more days of school and here comes the holidays.Im so gonna miss my class too.rahh.
Didnt have SBF training today cause duh its National Day.Went to bowl the funbowl at yishun safra.Me , keane , shawn and anthony.We did really good for the first 2 series but our 3rd series killed us.andd in the end we ended up fourth , losing out a 3rd placing by ONE pin.wahh.haha.although i would like to put the blame on anthony for bowling his career low of 138 , i guess everyone was at fault too.yep.oh well.i still feel like whacking that dog though. :)
After that i rushed home because i needed to go to my aunty's house to celebrate her daughter's bd and some of my nephews too.So yeahh went there ate , sit around talk and then headed home.
ohhh its wanie's bd today ------ HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY GURLL~~
okok i gtg now.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I feel healthy.Reason being i have been quite physically active for this start of the week.Not that i am not but i just dont have the time recently.Now that i could actually find some time , i think i better spend it wisely.
It is my brother's birthday today actually but we do not have any fancy celebrations or whatever.Just a nice meal would suit that occasion. So yeah , Happy birthday to him! and stop watching TV so much and start studying you dumbass ! hah what a friendly and loving wish huh.
I hate it when i travel home , when i take 169 back.I have over 1hour of sitting my ass there and stonning but thats not all.It's when i start to think too much and get all emo and shit.And my mp3 songs do complement my mood too.haha not so nice.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Pictures from yesterday's IPA class!!


Our gang.

Mel and izza.

Donal trump and his assistant.

Girl power.
My homies.
And all together now.Niceee.