Monday, June 29, 2009
Jonathan must always be happy and cheerful!
No more emo-ing for me. (:
Randomly, i find this dude so gorgeous!
Just look at those eyes..

Saturday, June 27, 2009
I wanna fill this new frame,but it's empty.
Friday, June 26, 2009
What is wrong with the world nowsday? So many natural calamities , nuclear welfare threats , viruses , blah blah blah threatening the extinction of mankind. But seriously, have we brought this upon ourselves? Are we humans actually responsible for all that is happening around the world? If you ask me, my answer is yes.For all the shit we have been doing, medical researches , environmental testings , scientific provings, technolgical advancements are all just accumalating into a time bomb.The more we do, the more complications there will be.That is exactly what is happening.It is depressing of course when we see real life situations that affect the people around you.The reality of H1N1 that might affect thousands, you might say that it might only be a flu and it is curable but hey, much weirder things have happened in this world and i wouldnt be surprised you could die from a flu. ahh what the heck im signing off,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Latelyy i think i have been bowling quite nicely.Just came back from fun bowl at SY. 214 267 264 247 239 . Not very impressive for 9 pin tap i should say.haha but its confirm chop chop enough to win some cashh.tsskk.then there was this tournement which wani pulled us into, some indian thingy no offence haha.bowled 670 over 3 games.Although i admit the field was not the strongest at all but my scores surely justified my victory.
I would hope to continue my form throught the year and into POLITE where the real test will begin.chionng ahhhhhh! Train hard people! we'll kick more ass man! GO RPPP!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Jon was here but felt too empty to say anything.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Come home soon please.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
There are times when you are feeling weary,
Take things easy,
There are times you feel like giving up,
Look at the bright side of life,
The times you feel sad,
You look into your heart,
Your heart never lies,
It shows the real you deep inside,
Only time will tell,
If you are strong enough to perservere on,
In trying times you will find,
That you are one of a special kind,
Even in your darkest nights,
Hold on tight because the sun is ever shining so bright,
Never give up on life,
Live it the way it should,
With pride and dignity,
Seek peace within your inner self,
But remember that when all things go well,
Look into your heart once more.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Training was great i guess.Yet another lesson learnt in my quest for a perfect game.Adjustments are so darn important.First was the duration of shots , then it was concentration and now making a right adjustment.It's okay though , ill take it as it comes.
On the other handd, while i was happily bowling my high game , granny got admitted to hospital yet again.Hope it's nothing serious.Hope she will be alright and return home soon. =x
Monday, June 15, 2009
Where are my creative juices!?! I'm missing the days where inspiration just hits me in the face. Putting that aside, i just feel so useless not being able to play a musical instrument.I dont whyy siaa but when i seee people owning the shit of them, i feel inferior. =x lawll. I think its quite random lah but i do admire talented people who can play such instruments.I guess i'll stick to my pen and paper.
Saturday, June 13, 2009